Just some insignificant thoughts - Dia De Los Muertos... In School...

I got a comment from Justis on that post that said the following:

When the non-Christians start making noise about Christmas being a violation of their civil rights, I hope to see you making the same case you're making here.

I don't plan on making the same case here.

Why? Because plenty of other people will be making it for me, and have been doing so for years.

That was the whole point of the article.

Anything Judeo-Christian is deemed a violation of the separation of church and state, yet any other religion can be taught at will with impunity.

My point is either enforce it all, or enforce none of it. No religion, or all religions.

No Dia de los Muertos without God in the pledge.

No dressing up as muslims without teaching about Christ.

Hopefully my point is clarified a little.

We will see at Christmas how these same people who love the Dia de los Muertos idea will run for the courts when a Christmas tree shows up in a school lobby somewhere.